Friday, 24 July 2009

Thank you Janet

janet kindly shared the couliflower soup with us on free craft downloads.
this is janets own recipe and i tried it and it is very very moorish think i might eat more vegetarian dishes my self.

Sonia - Soup Recipe

Sonia - Soup Recipe: "Cauliflower Soup

You need
1LB Cauliflower
1 Large Onion
1oz Butter
1pt Vegetable Stock
A few drops of Lemon juice (Optional)
Salt and Pepper to taste
A pinch of mixed herbs (Optional)
To Make
Wash then chop the cauliflower into bite size pieces
Peel and finely chop the onion
Melt the butter in a pan and gently fry the onion in it for a couple of minutes then add the cauliflower, cook for a further minute
Bring the Vegetable stock to the boil and add the pinch of herbs
Add the Cauliflower / Onion & Lemon Juice to the stock and simmer for about 20 mins

You can leave it as a chunky soup or blend it to make a smooth soup
You can also thicken it (with a bit of cornflour) to make a thicker soup

For those who can't have onion just leave it out and add a bit more cauliflower, and just fry the cauliflower in the butter for a couple of mins"

Chicken soup my way.

Another recipe to share
left over chicken from roast,
1 onion
2 sticks cellery
2 carrots
1pint chicken stock
salt and pepper (optional)
knob of butter
pinch mixed herbs

melt butter in a pan and add the chicken to seel ( so it does not go stringy while cooking )
add the pint of chicken stock
then onion,cellery and carrots.
Bring to the boil then simmer for at least 30 mins.
If you are using a slow cooker like i do, boil stock first before you put it in slow cooker then add ingredients to the boiled stock cover and cook slowly for 1 hour.
add herbs half way through cooking time.
Serve with crispy bread rolls/ cruitons.
Then enjoy hmmmm very nice.
Few cards i made this one was also
done on the g/girls board not sure
what the board is called but i puchased
it with a cd called Character walkers.
another card made here not sure
what it is called but i like it any way

here i have a side stepper card the
the template was kindly sent to me
from a member in a forum i use.

here i have made a handbag card using glitter girls board.